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  Lucia Leistner

    Very quick biography


Lucia Leistner is a Franco-Brazilian architect. She has practiced for 25 years, while enriching her work and reflection through a brief stint at the School of Fine Arts in Toulouse and a strong association commitment. Her career has been accompanied by a desire to associate architecture with a larger multidisciplinary network, associative, artistic, literary and educational. “I have always thought that the architecture generated should be, first of all, generous and benevolent, I remain very much attached to the idea of a craftwork-like and contextual exercise of architecture; I still believe in its social role”. Lucia is interested in the nonconformist views linked to the practice of architecture, to the rebirth of alternatives to the prevailing industrialism and is now developing a self-taught translation project. Her first translation, L'Architecte aux pieds nus, manuel d'autoconstruction, of a text by Johan Van Lengen, is due out soon published by Parenthèses. In parallel she now proposes a Portuguese translation of The Architecture of Survival, a Philosophy of Poverty by Yona Friedman. She has been carrying out the "scientific advice" of the "Enchanting Reality" exhibition in 2017 (Bel Ordinaire, art center, Pau) mixing art and architecture. She intervenes in schools to talk about alternative and frugal architecture, co-founded the association IDRE in 2018 in Pau, for the deconstruction and reuse of materials, as well as the collective “V” for reflection on the practice of architecture, and has been active in campaigns for the preservation of urban trees and squares, among other such causes. “Today, when ZADs (Zones to Defend) are cited by thinkers as a virtuous example of how to build shelters that are cheap, fast, efficient in resources and in connection with their immediate environment, a real paradigm shift is necessary The dilution of rights, know-how and responsibilities is at the origin of a social evolution, necessary for a change, called for by the scarcity of material resources and available energies, and by a real desire to weave our social links anew”. Lucia and her husband, an artist, have built their house on their own, starting from an almost 300-year-old shed not far from the city center of Pau.

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Lucia Leistner

    Pau, France
